What Clients Have Shared:
Daniel, Team Lead at Airbnb
"This program enabled my team to reach a new level of high performance. By identifying our shared and divergent core values, we've created clarity in why we feel connected to our work, which in turn cultivates trust, partnership and productivity."

Ryn, Life Coach
"Julia's coaching is transformative, and I do not use that word lightly. She comes to the work with openness and a calm, honest presence that immediately put me at ease. What stood out to me the most is how I felt truly seen and respected for who I am in the moment as well as my potential within. Julia helps create clarity on a path forward that would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve on one's own."

Lyndsay, Generation Wellness Founder
"This course breaks the cycle of autopilot living, shifting to an intentional way of living from the inside out. Julia is a master teacher that leads participants through simple exercises to create a system for your optimal way of being. Thank you for this profound course that has already changed my life!"
Natalie, Financial Planning VP
"The Core Values Academy helped me put into words what my personal core values actually are. Prior to the course, I would recite cookie cutter values. Now, I have a set of meaningful, actionable principles to re-ground myself against and reflect upon when life gets tough."

Connie, Market Researcher
"I did not anticipate the deeper work that would reveal itself under Julia's direction. I've made steps toward both my large and small dreams. Being capable of these things on my own wasn't the issue; knowing where to start and how to maintain momentum is another. Julia has helped me do exactly that!"

Blake, Art Director
"Julia's coaching and exercises have helped me discover and develop who I am and also who I am not."
Tom, Small Business Owner
"I benefited greatly from the Core Values Academy. The most important thing for me was seeing how out of balance my life has become. Family, friends and recreation were very low on the life assessment. I'm making small adjustments regularly, and now I have a clear path to get where I want to be."

Khara, Working Mother
"Not being my authentic self was impacting so many areas of my life. I was living on autopilot in my personal life, at work, as a mother. I wasn't present. I remember Julia saying "how do you want to show up in life?" and that has become a mantra for me. I now have the skills and tools to live my life with more clarity and more intentionally. I cannot thank Julia enough."